Can you really make money with Amazon? Is the Amazon work at home program legit? I'm going to go over how there are some legitimate ways to make money with Amazon in this video, but how most of them are scams. Is the Amazon work from home money program a scam? Are you going to get ripped off? Now my guess is you've been to some of these websites like , the ones my editors are showing up here and I don't know there's somewhere around me, but there are a lot of sites out there that make otherworldly promises of being able to work from home for the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos and make a ton of money. Now, the fact of the matter is that there actually are quite a number of ways to make money,, working at home for Amazon and I'm going to go over those on my computer in just a little bit here.
But what you also must understand is just like most of the sites I flashed, if they are charging you money, if they're saying you have first to pay money to work from home, then it's a scam. Okay. Charging money for a job is very different from, you know, charging money for education. You know, just give you an idea, I'm an online educator. You know, my business is teaching, and I teach people about a different area of business, affiliate marketing. I'm not going to talk about that, but what I talk about is, what Amazon, now, if you see somewhere on the Internet that it costs you money to work from home for Amazon. That is a scam. It doesn't cost. Amazon is not going to charge you to work with them, okay But that being said, there are many people out there like myself who are teachers, and there's a lot of educational programs that teach people how to start their businesses with Amazon.
I don't teach Amazon, I teach a segment called affiliate marketing. If you want to learn more about that, you can find a link in the description, but I'm going to show you in this video how you can work from home with Amazon. There are actually three distinctly different ways.
So the first way to make money working at home with Amazon is taking surveys. It's really basic. You can't make too much money per hour. You can only make about five to $10 per hour Max. Now, the first way to make money working at home with Amazon is called Amazon Mechanical Turk. Amazon will pay you to do basic tasks with them. They're called HIT or Human Intelligence Tasks. If you search Amazon Mechanical Turk or go to Amazon, you'll find it. But as you see on the site, you know, you can get paid. Not a lot of money to be honest. You know, the most you can make is like 10 bucks an hour. But you can be paid to do stuff like classify kitchen appliances, or you can be paid to collect data from a website, or you can be paid to, you know, do a market research survey. Just a whole host of little things. You'll get paid, you know, anywhere from, you know, look at these jobs. You know, they're like 1 cent to 10 cents to 5 cents 50. Here's a job for 50 cents. You don't get paid a lot of money for each little task, but it is real money, and it is a real way of working at home with Amazon.
The second way you can earn money working at home with Amazon is called Amazon associates, and it's their affiliate program. So I said, I teach affiliate marketing, but I don't teach it with Amazon, but you can make a lot of money with Amazon too. Amazon will pay you up to 10% commissions for any product. If you recommend a product and somebody buys it, they'll pay, you know, five to 10% commissions. Generally speaking, the commission is about 5%, and I'll just do a quick example to show you how easy it is to sell a pro, you know, to find and market a product on Amazon. So let's say, for instance, I was on Amazon, and I found a book I liked. Um, you know, let's use, you know, William Hertling, William Hertling is kind of like an underground self-published science fiction author, really big fan of this guy. I'm a really big fan of sci-fi in general. Sorry, I'm a little sick. And, this book I recently read, and it's amazing, and it's kind of like, it's kind of like 50 shades of grey meat science fiction. I mean there's like, I had never read a book that has all these weird kind of very taboo sexual kind of like BDSM subject matter in it, but it's really, I always thought it was just like freaks that did it or something. But it was a really interesting kind of hearing the justifications. Oh you know, that and the reasoning behind people in the BDSM community, that's a whole different subject. But let's say I wanted to promote this book, right.I'll go here, and when you sign up for Amazon associates, you get this thing called site stripe up here in the top. Right. Okay. And what I would do is I'd click get a link, okay.
I click to get a link right there if you see on my screen. And what pops up is my own unique link. And I could look at the full link here. What this is is this is what's called an affiliate link, and there's a little tracking indicator in there that this is, this link has only been given to me. So if anybody clicks this link and ends up buying something on Amazon, I will get a commission for that. Now, if a lot of people do that on a daily basis, I can make a lot of money. So I'm going to take this link, and I'll click copy, and I could go to Facebook for instance. And what I would simply do is I could write a post, I could put up the affiliate link, and if anybody goes, see there's my affiliate link. And if anybody goes to visit my affiliate link and ends up purchasing that book or something else in the same session, I get the credit, and I make money.
Now once again, you saw this, this is, you know, this book isn't, you know, this book is only the Kindle is only $2. So if I got 5%, I would only make 10 cents. So once again, I'm not making a lot of money if I recommend this particular book, but you know, 5% can add up if you are recommending people buy like a certain type of generator, right Generators costs like 1000 bucks. So if you are, or camera equipment. So if I'm recommending camera equipment is a lot of youtube bloggers, do you know, somebody is going to spend $1,000 in a session and as a, you know, as an affiliate for Amazon, you'd get paid 50 bucks, you know. So that's, that's a good amount of money.
Now the third way of making money with Amazon is actually selling products on Amazon. Okay? So actually taking a product, you know, like my tea mug right here and listing it on Amazon. Let's say I buy this tea Mug for five bucks, I listed on Amazon and then I, then I sell it for $10. There's a lot of people doing that, and that's probably the biggest way to make money with Amazon. And you can make millions and even tens of millions of dollars per year selling products on Amazon. It's very lucrative. And there are a lot of successful people I've met that sell products on Amazon. This is what you want to do if you want to sell products on Amazon. But again, the only person you should be paying is they do charge a $39 a month listing fee. Okay, So that is something they charge in. Generally speaking, Amazon will take about 10% to 20% of anything you sell. So if I sell this mug for $10, Amazon's making $2 Okay. And that, you know, let's say I bought it for five Amazon takes $2, you know, I'm making maybe $3 each mug I sell.
So this is part of the reason why Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world. You know, Amazon always gets their cut. So that would be the place that you'd want to make money with. Amazon and other lots of, you know, to sell on Amazon is a complex process, um, to get, make sure your products are showing up higher than other people's products.that's Called, you know, a lot of people will talk about working the algorithm, and the algorithm is having your products show up the highest. And the other thing about Amazon is product selection. You know how to select the products that will be the most profitable and sell the most. So those are really kind of the two big things is like how to work the algorithm and how to select the best products in order to really sell on Amazon. I don't really know that stuff but there places online I'm sure you could find, how to, you know, more information on that.
If you're looking for more information on what I do and how I've made this big stack of money right here, you can go to the link in the description. I have a free training showing you exactly how to do that. Now if you found any part of this video helpful, let me know. Type it in the comments and let me know if the surveys or maybe it was the affiliate program or maybe it was just about selling on Amazon of were helpful to you.
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