You want to make money with Clickbank. I'm going to show you how, I'm going to show you how to sign up, find your niche, find a link posted, track it and make some money step by step on my computer in just a second.
Cool, so I'm going to be showing you how to make money with Clickbank. I love Clickbank. Clickbank is where I made my first thousand dollars a day back in 2012 actually, but I do about half a million dollars a month right now I'm on Clickbank, which sounds kind of unbelievable, but I'm going to be walking you through how you can make money with Clickbank right here, in today's video. So check this out. I'm on Clickbank right now. If we go right here. So you see click bank and to go to Clickbank and just go to first off, and the first step is you want to sign up, and you need to create an account. So you click right up here, and you click create an account. Clickbank is going to ask you for some information. They're going to ask you for your name, your address, all that stuff, and they're also going to ask you for your banking information.
This is fine. Click Bank's been around for 21 years and run by really Nice Mormon people up in Boise, Idaho that is good at accounting, and they're not going to screw you out anything. It's a reputable, long lasting, profitable company that I love working with and I've been working with them forever. And the thing is they ask for your banking information because they need to know where to pay. Okay, so that's why, so don't be alarmed by if they're asking for your banking information, then they will ask for your account information, it doesn't matter what your nickname is, your nickname is, your account identifier and what you picked doesn't matter. It's not public information. So when you sign up, you'll come to a dashboard, sorta like this page. You'll have your weekly sales snapshot right here, and you'll also have your daily sales snapshot right here. So this is one of my many affiliate accounts with Clickbank because I do so many different advertising things I have a lot of accounts at this point. Let's go on to here.
First, you need to choose your niche. Now to choose your niche, you want to go over to their marketplace. The marketplace is this little link up here, or if you're on the Clickbank homepage, you'll see the marketplace is right here affiliate marketplace, so we'll click that marketplace link because that has all the products which you can make money with. Now what you'll see is you can search for products, but you can also find products in the categories area. On the left side. This is where you can find your niche. Now you know everybody in marketing and sales and stuff talks about, you know, find your niche, find your passion.
First I'm going to give you my two cents on this. I think niches and whatever your passion is. I think it's bs. I was actually having a discussion with Alley earlier about this. You know, I kite surfing, I love skiing. I'm not pro material, and I don't think I'm ever going to be pro material, so it doesn't make sense for me to try to make a business out of kite surfing or skiing, unfortunately. You know what does make sense for me is to make money and afford myself the freedom so that I can go skiing or kite surfing when I want to. Another thing, getting a family and all that stuff complicates this stuff, but the point is the same as I'm not a big fan of niches. I'm a big fan of just doing what makes money. Then going to the other things, but let's assume that you would need to find something that you're comfortable marketing.
You can choose your category here. Now, if you're interested in cooking food and wine, you can't click on that category, and you can find products to sell that will give you commissions in the cooking food and wine category. Now, here's a great one. So we see there's a product here called Keto resources that is about the Ketogenic diet. I think a pretty good guide, but a, I'm going to start dieting soon, but the ketogenic diet I think is something about reducing carbs, which are kind of a problem in our society. Now, let's say you want to promote that. You could make $22 let's zoom in on this. You can make $22 per sale. Every time you recommend this product to somebody and they buy it, you make $22 which is great. You sell a couple of those. You help expose a couple people to the Ketogenic diet a day, and you're earning a full-time income.
Help expose more than a couple of people to the ketogenic diet a day. You're making a pretty good income. Now what I look for in a product is I look for what has the most popularity or what has the highest gravity. Gravity and popularity, sort of similar, but in any event, we see this product has 117 gravity. That means 117 other people are making at least one sale of this product every single week that needs. Some of these people may be making hundreds of sales per day of this product. The point is this is the indicator, how many other people are successfully selling this product is an indicator of how well it sells. Would you rather, if you were going to start a franchise because affiliate marketing is sort of like starting a franchise, would you rather be opening a Mcdonald's franchise or would you rather open a Busters Bergers franchise?
It's obvious you want to open a Mcdonald's franchise because you know that sells, you know that is making franchisees tons of money, thousands of franchisees all over the world. Buster's Burgers is unproven. Everything about the business. I made the business up, but you want to sell what's proven and just because other people are selling it. Just because other people have McDonald's franchises doesn't mean that there isn't space for another. You know I live in Los Angeles, there are hundreds of Mcdonald's Franchisees, but what I hear a lot of people say from scarcity mindset is saying, oh, somebody already opened up the Mcdonald's in Santa Monica. You knew there isn't space for the other one. Dumb thinking, okay, you want to sell what's already selling, so let's promote this product. Now the next step we found our niche, we found the product or the offer we want to promote.
Now what the next step is is you go to this button that says promote right there, and this is where you will get your link, promote, boom, and this is the account nickname from my account. You know JC internal seven, and you can put in a tracking id it says optional. But let's just click generate conflicts. Okay, click generate hop link, and it'll generate your link. Let's say I'm posting this in an email. I want to see how it works. So I just click tracking id email, and I click generate hop link. Okay, so this is my hop link so I can highlight it like this and click copy or I could just click this button and it copies. It says you have successful copy the product. We're going to take this link, and the next step is we need to post it somewhere. We need somebody to click this link and buy this product so we can make some money.
Let's go get it. Okay, so where I'm going to start posting my link is, I don't know, we're going to use a really easy thing that everybody has a free traffic source, hidden traffic source that is under your fingertips that you can use right now. It doesn't cost any money. It almost guaranteed to give you good conversions if you do it right. So we can go here, and I'm going to go to my email, and I'm going to write an email. I'm going to write it to a friend of mine that's not a real email. Obviously, it just says friend, but I'm going to write in the subject line. I don't know what I'm going to write in the subject line, but I'm just going to say ketogenetic genic diet, new diet. I'm trying to check it out and what I could do is I could say, dude, remember talking about how we were both going to lose weight.
Check these results. You know, I could use, you know, a picture. I could say, you know like I lost five pounds in the last week. This program really works. Now I'm just making up some marketing copy here. Again, don't ever say anything like that doesn't fully make sense. In this case, I didn't actually lose five pounds, but the point being, you know, if I were to send this email, I could post my link there, or I could say, or I can highlight this and click the link button, put my link in right there. I could say, check these results. Some other people lost five pounds in the last week. This program really works. That is a way you could get your link out there, and people will open it and click on that ad. Now that is a very simple way of getting your ad out there, getting your link out there and getting you a chance for people to buy it.
Now another way to actually promote this, if you don't know what to write, most programs have actual ads that are already created for you on their affiliate page. So we are back, and Clickbank and what we see is affiliate page, and you can click on this link, or you can even email their support and ask them, hey, I wanted to send an email to some of my friends. What should I write? So I'm going to click on this. And I going to look at their affiliate page? They have some information here. Let's just type in seven emails to receive our latest information. Let's see if they have any information. Sometimes they actually have helpful materials for affiliates. In this case, they don't, but some programs do have information you can use to promote their offer more effectively. So I'm just going to go to the most popular products in the Clickbank marketplace.
And what we see here is the flat belly fix, and this product pays out almost $40 per sale and commission, and they have almost double the gravity, almost double the number of people are selling this product compared to the other product. So what I can do here is I could click on their affiliate page, and I could get some email swipes from these people. So it says to click for email, swipe the flat belly fix, and here they give us the top creative. So if I wanted to send an email, I could say, use this subject line one cup tomorrow morning burners, three pounds of belly fat, and go to my email. And I'd write that one cup this morning, birds, 20 pounds of belly fat. And then I copy this change out at my email with their proven email right here. If you haven't tried this, you're going to want to add this to your morning routine, drinking one cup of this delivery, that delicious beverage, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And what I'll do then is I would change out their link for my link. Okay? So I'll click promotes, I'll click an email, generate comlink coffee and I will highlight this link, and I'll just change it right there. See I paste my link what URL should this go to. If you see that this is linked to the web address and I posted my Clickbank link there, then I'm going to click okay and there we go. Just my initials at the bottom. That's how you could get your link out there. That's a very simple method. Now you could also go above and beyond, and you could actually write a post on Facebook. I could post the same thing and I could, you know, I can post my link in there, and I could post the same information. You know, I could say if you haven't tried this yet and like post this to my friends and it would link to the flat belly fix.
So you could do a lot of things to get people to your affiliate link, and once it populates within Facebook, I can even delete that ugly link so that if people go to my post and we'll have the link on the bottom already populated like that, then I'll, I would click is share. Now, this is, I mean it is the free method of getting traffic. It's completely free, but again, you probably view sitting here watching this, you're probably like, and I feel weird about spamming my friends, right. I do, I cannot share this, but it is, I do suggest you do it to get started. Now the best way to do affiliate marketing is to do advertising. It's a much more scalable opportunity. Instead of making a couple hundred bucks off your friends, you could make millions of dollars off a mass of people that probably need more help.
You know, getting a flat belly, you know, I know I do than other people. So advertising is a whole other subject, if you're interested in learning advertising, you can go to my free affiliate marketing course. I'm going to have my assistant posted somewhere, or you can just subscribe to my channel. Once you've subscribed to my channel and hit the bell, it will actually appear on my homepage, my free course on affiliate marketing. Now the next step after somebody goes to your link. Okay, and where does the link though? I'm just going to show you where the link goes real quick. It goes to this page which is built to convert people and make sure that it offers people something of value and makes you money. Okay, now what we do next is we want to actually track if our links are working and if we're selling products.
So the final step is we will go when we're in Clickbank, we will go to this area called reporting, and I'll click on reporting and what we see here is we see, we have click that came in. It says one click for FB fix, which is the flat belly fix. Let's look at my hops. They click bank calls, it hops by tracking ID and what we'll see here is we have that hop we had originally sent with the identifier that says email, so it's working and as we see the person did not purchase, but this is how affiliate marketing is done. Now let's say you're posting your link on email, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram. Let's say you have multiple apps or you're posting it in Facebook groups or posting in forums or whatever you're doing, you can put an identifier so you can figure out where each link came from and you can actually be able to tell exactly who clicked on your link, where they came from, and you can optimize your advertising that we, let's say the emails you sent to make you the most money, you'll probably want to focus your efforts on that email.
Or let's say you had five Facebook ads telling people they can lose weight and to check out the Ketogenic, the flat belly fix, and only one of the ad is generating sales. You'll want to cut the other four ads, so you're left with the one winner. That's generally how it works out, and you just keep cutting the red, and you'll figure out what marketing message work, what groups of people work the best to show your ads to and you optimize based on that until you are making as much money as you want to be making. Now in my case, as you see my Clickbank account, I have all this weird junk here, you know, weird numbers and letters and what those numbers and letters are. I actually use software, and it kind of automates this process for me to figure out where each click came from and what's working and you know, I have a more complex setup because I'm doing this on a much bigger scale than most people.
I don't recommend you start out with a click track or like volume or click tool. I recommend you just start out with posting an ad or putting up a post and getting people just to be clicking on your affiliate link. Just start baby steps at a time, get your first commissions and then get more until your business starts to become bigger. Don't put the cart before the horse. Take it one step at a time, subscribe to my channel and go through my training course, and you know, you can see how to take it one step at a time.
Boom! I just showed you how to make money with Clickbank. It's easy sign-up, niche, link, post, and track. Not too complicated, but really diving into things and learning how to actually do write the ads or do the advertising or do the copywriting is a little bit more of a complex thing. And I have a training course on my site. If you can sign up for, there should be a link in the description if you want to get started with that. Now what I recommend you do is first subscribed to my channel and hit that notification bell. So you're aware of when I put up more videos and constantly putting out videos on marketing and starting an online business. And also click that like button and if you have any questions or have any topic requests, put that in the comments. I'd love to hear from you.
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