I am John Crestani, and in this video I'll be showing you, walking you through the four bullet points. I have CCDQ of how you can host a good webinar and also be showing you what a good followup sequence is. So you can make your online training session a total hit.
So hosting an online Webinar isn't very complicated and I'm going to break it down very simply here. I host a lot of webinars for my business. I one side of my business is I actually train people on my own business model, which is called affiliate marketing. Basically, it was selling other people's products on a commission only basis. If you want to learn more about that, just subscribe to my channel, and you'll get a free course.
Now I've broken it down into four different steps. CCDQ. And the first thing you want to do to host a good webinar is to make sure you have a very strong Internet connection. You can go to speedtest.net to check your Internet connection, and you want to make sure you have a good up and down speeds. So, up and down means, a lot of people have fast download speeds, but you want to make sure you have an up speed of at least a couple of megabytes per second, at least five megabytes per second.
The other thing I would a recommend you do, so again, be on a sound Internet connection. You don't know how many people I've seen that have tried to perform a webinar only to get cut off midway through or something like that. What I would recommend you do is you use GotoWebinar, I don't know, the most common webinar program and call in from the landline. Now, if you call it on your phone if you're somewhat worried about your Internet connection, GoTowebinar gives you an option to literally just dial in a number of, so the audio is on a telephone connection, whereas your video is on your Internet connection. This gives you kind of a backup in case your Internet connection is a little bit spotty. People will still be able to hear you on your phone. You'll still be able to hear that.
The second thing is to do a sound and video check. When you begin, make sure your audience is,,, here's you and sees your screen. And what I would do is simply just put up a slide or put up your first visual and ask the audience say, Hey, can you press one if you hear me all right and if you see the screen all right and you tell him what the screen is supposed to say. Say the screen is supposed to be a big picture of my dog and me. Whatever you're showing. That way you just have confirmation from your audience that everything's cool. If you don't see anything in the chat, that's probably a sign that you're not connected correctly and you'll need to address that. Here's an extra thing I just remembered this is I would actually recommend you use two screens webinars. What I do, I don't always do this, but I always try to do this, is have a second screen up, have the screen you're using to present on it.
Then have a second screen where you can put the chat, , for Goto Webinar you can put the whatever the questions people are asking. And you can also put a list of the attendees out. So what I do is I'll set my second screen, and my attendees and the questions people are asking on my other screen just so I can keep tabs on what the audience is saying. And as I'm going through my presentation, some people find this distracting. If you're new to performing webinars, you might be distracting, like see people asking questions and you might feel like you need to answer them or seeing people leave. ,, that can be really disheartening if you're performing for an audience of a hundred people and you just see, people are saying, oh this is boring, or oh, I don't understand what you're talking about.
And you get all self-aware and self-conscious, so maybe you don't want the chat up and the attendees up because maybe that'll distract you from the material you're delivering. I personally find it useful, but then again, I've done it quite a few times. Next thing I would say to do is when you begin your Webinar or ask the audience to minimize their distraction, I always tell people a few things. I say, Hey, if you could turn off the ringer on your phone and flip it down so that you don't see those blinky lights. Phones are designed to really just suck our attention away from us. And even if somebody's phone is on silent, you have these blinky lights on the top now that just blink if you get a message or a notification or whatever. So I always tell people, flip your phone down, so it's facing the desk, put it on silent on GotoWebinar.
You can't be in any other tabs. But I do ask people, I say, please close any other tabs that you're using that are up. And also I asked people to turn off their TV or close the door to the room they're in, or whatever they need to do so they could focus on the material that I'm about to deliver. There are so many distractions people have in their lives. It can be a bit overwhelming. Life and technology companies are literally designed to take our attention away, other people. I mean, I could go on and on about how bad tech is for social relations, but a lot of people will have their TVs on, call out. All these things help people minimize those distractions. If you have something valuable to share with them, it will help them get the best, most juice out of your presentation.
Now the last thing is I would say before you begin your presentation, also let people know what your question policy is. If you say, look, I encourage interaction, but I won't be answering questions until the end of the presentation. Let them know that. Or if you want people to ask questions all throughout the presentation, you'll call on people. And answer their questions, say, ask questions anytime. Also, what I would do in the beginning is to let people know if you're actually going to call on them and unmute them. Or if you're just gonna answer their question but not actually have them on the line on the Webinar with you. Some people get a jarred when you just unmute them, and maybe they're hanging out at home with a kid, and they have a crying baby, and they don't want to be called on.
So you could tell people, what I tell people is I say, hey look, if you ask a question, I may unmute you. I may put you on the line because I want to talk to you live and also make sure you have a microphone because I only answer questions for people who I'm going actually to speak with. I like that interaction. So that's how to host a webinar. It's not too complicated. What I would recommend for reminders and follow up sequences general. So I send people reminders six hours beforehand, four hours beforehand, and two hours beforehand. And also 15 minutes beforehand. Now in a business to business space, you might want to be a little more discreet, and you might want only to send a reminder may be a day, an hour and 15 minutes beforehand just to let people know what's going on.
If you have the ability to send text message reminders for your Webinar that you're doing, I think that's very useful because I mean, let's face it, sometimes people forget or life gets in the way or calls or whatever. I hope that was helpful in teaching them how to host a good webinar presentation.
If you're looking to learn more about what I do for a living, which is an affiliate marketing, I'm selling other people's products on a commission only basis, make sure to subscribe to my channel. You'll get a free course on affiliate marketings. 10 videos, explains the basics of what this business is and whatnot. Also, make sure to hit that notification bell so you can update it. Future videos of mine. Leave a comment if you have any questions about this video or if you have a request for future topics for me to talk about. And also like this video, if you enjoyed the material.
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