How To Gracefully Quit A Job You Hate

Do you hate your job? Don't waste your life working there. Here's How To Gracefully Quit A Job You Hate!

I'm going to be going over how to gracefully quit your jobs and five specific tactics you can use in handing in your resignation to make sure you keep your options open and open yourself to new opportunities.

I quit! Throw a flip over a table or something. Isn't that what everybody wants to do is just go crazy when they quit their job? Like this sucks. Screw you guys. Many of you or many of us or whatever. We'll have to go back and work a job. You know you want to leave your options open. If you don't want to burn all your bridges, it's not a good way to go through life. And in this video, I'm going to be going over how to quit a job gracefully. I know I quit my job. I had no intention of ever going back, but I did it in a graceful manner personally. And what ended up happening, my boss gave me, just literally gave me, my pay for, you know, I said I'm going to quit, but he gave me my pay for the next six months without having to do anything. He just said to answer a few emails from this one person. But I'm going to go over a few ways of how I was able to create such a crazy arrangement for myself quitting my job, but also a few ways how you can gracefully quit your job.

So the first suggestion I have to quit your job gracefully is give one month's notice. And this is what I did. If you're respectful, if you're truly trying to be respectful of any employer, keep in mind that their business, they, it takes time to hire people. It takes much longer than two weeks to hire a suitable replacement for whatever position it is you do. You know, the higher up of a position you are in, the longer it takes to hire somebody. I know I've employed plenty of people. I've employed dozens and dozens of people. I've also fired a lot of people, you know, in my career as an entrepreneur, it can take months to hire a good person. So give one month's notice. I mean, what you can do to be respectful truly is tell the employer, hey, you know, I'm, giving my one month's notice, but if you need a little bit longer, let me know. I want to make sure that you find you have enough time to find a replacement for me. That's a graceful thing.

A second way to quit your job. Grace, please be brief. Don't drag on it. Anything long winded, no stories. Okay, no stories. Don't go on about stories of what they can improve or what you can improve or how good of a job they did or how good of a job you think you did or what coworker was stealing from them or whatever. No, they don't need to know much. Be Brief. Okay. Just say, Hey, I just like to let you know I'm handing in, you know, I'm giving you my one notice. It was nice working here. Don't go into other things. Just say, I'm handing in my one month's notice. You don't need to go into other topics of conversation.

This goes into the third point which is discreet, really important, be discreet. Again, if you aren't going to a competitive competitor company, they don't need to know that. If you are going to work for another company, they don't need to know that if you are going to work on your own, they don't need to know that if you married somebody and they're making money for you, if you just inherited money from your grandparents, whatever the situation is, they don't need to know that. Be Discreet. Your situation is your own. Of course, any employer is going to be dying to know why are you quitting, especially if you're a good employee, especially if you're a high performing employee. But I'm going to go over and just in just a few points here, I'm going to go over how this third point actually can work to your advantage the most, and I'll go into that in just a little bit. I'll use a story from my own experience.

The fourth point is to be positive. If you don't give your boss a reason to hate your guts, especially if you are a good employee, you will drive them crazy. And I did this with, with my boss, the last job I worked. Again, I was brief and discreet, but I was positive. I said, oh, thank you so much for the opportunity to work here and the joy of the job. I'm giving my month's notice. Thank you for the opportunity. I learned a lot, but I'm moving up because in everybody's mind they're thinking, why the heck is this person leaving? Why are they thanking me? Why aren't they flipping tables? If you don't give them a reason to go to hate you, it flips their mind. It flips their minds. If you really want to drive your boss crazy, don't yell at them and be like, you're an ‘ A' hole, and you treat people like cattle and you know like you underpay people, you have zero respect, you have power problems. You know there's a reason your wife divorced. You don't go into any of that stuff. Just be positive. It'll drive them crazier, especially if you're a good employee and if you weren't a good employee, I don't know what to say, man. You know you have one life to give it your effort.

Now the fifth tip is to have a plan. Do you know? No, obviously all that should have been number one, but I think it's just obvious. If you're quitting your job, have a transition plan, maybe you're going to a competitive company, maybe one of your clients, maybe one of the company's clients is hiring you directly. You know, maybe you're starting your own company, whatever that is. You should have a plan to make money when you're going off on your own. Now, whatever company you're going to work for, make sure you have, you know, multi-month contract, you're working on your own, makes you getting paid at least, you know, one and a half times what you were being paid at, you know, the monthly salary at your old company. Just to give yourself that buffer zone because entrepreneurship is hard. The other caveat to this is known, your number either have a plan and or no your number because there's a very good chance if you do these four things, your boss will be driven crazy, and you'll be given an offer to work for them at a higher price point.

They'll say, what do you want to stay here? I'll give you a raise; I'll give you more money. I'll give you a bonus structure. What you know, I'll give you equity. What do you need to stay here? And so know your number. If that number is a higher salary, let's say making 40,000 a month and maybe if you're making 6,000 you would do better. Or maybe it's having a investments schedule if you're living in some like you know, high tech area like me like you want some equity in the company, right? Maybe move to different position, whatever that is. Know what things that your boss could throw at you, where you'd have to be. But also keep in mind if you are telling your boss you're going to quit once, you need a much higher salary number because they made just say something to get you to stick around and then fire your, butt very quickly because you're an unloyal soldier. Generally, I would tell you don't threaten to resign and then just go back and work at the company. Because once you've shown that you're not loyal to the company, you know, that's not a good sign.

Now, what happened in my case, you know, my last job was in 2012 I worked at an ad agency, and I hated it. I did all of these things and what ended up happening was I had set a goal for myself. I had a, I was, I was taking on some clients on a freelance basis, and I got of roughly what I told myself I do is I was making $6,000 a month at my job. To quit my job, I knew I had to be making about $10,000 a month on a recurring basis, right. Because some clients, you know, I was managing Google ad words accounts as managing other people's Google ads.

And I knew some clients would drop, you know, they dropped off every month. And some clients, they, you know, I got new clients some months if I was out there talking to people. But overall, I knew I needed that $10,000 a month. Now, what happened was, I won't go into the full story, but I realized I wanted to get one client at $10,000 a month. And I changed around a lot of things in my life. I had to start hanging out of new places. I got one client at 10,000 a month, and then I handed in my resignation to my job. I had additional clients that are paying me $500 a month. So I was making $13,000 a month outside of my job. And I was just like, okay, sweet. I landed this big deal. I told my boss, I said, he, I won't use his real name.

Hey, B I'm, you know, giving my month's notice. I was discreet, and he was worried. He was worried. I had no intention of working for him. I hated him. I hated his guts. He was a total A-hole, totally turn me off the job experience, but I did all of these things. Brief, positive, discrete. He had no idea what I was doing. He thought I was stealing his biggest clients. Okay. In his mind, I believe what he was thinking is; he thought that I was either trying to negotiate for a raise or I was trying to steal his biggest clients. And what ended up happening was, the first thing he said is, what do you want? He said, “what do you want?” I said, “Oh, I'm just giving you my one month's notice.” He said, “I know, what do you want?”

Which is kind of crazy? Okay because I had gone to him two months prior asking for a raise and a, what he had told me was in that meeting, I justified my raise. I just to let you know, I added personally an extra hundred thousand dollars per month in profit to this ad agency into my boss's pocket. So he was making a lot of money, extra from my work and his answer to when I asked for raise was, are what or else what that was, what he said are else what? I said are else I don't know? Because I was, interested in moving up in the company, but he's just said are else, what are you going to do? So when I told him I was quitting, I knew I was quitting. I wasn't going to let them jerk me along. I didn't want to work for this guy. He asked me all the questions. He said, “are you moving to another company? You're working for another agency?” And I just said, you know, that's, I was very discreet. I was very discreet. So that's my own business.

But I'm handing it in my month's notice. If any started going on the attack, he said, “you know, I have legal agreements with you, John, if you were trying to, if you, if you're trying to work for one of these other companies, you know, that would be a big problem, right” And I said, “yes, I understand that.” He's like, you understand there's non-disclosures. And I said, yes, I understand that. He had no idea what was going on. He said, are you going to work for yourself? Are you starting your own thing? But I said that's none of your business. I said, or I said, that's my own business. Something like that. It was very polite. I was discreet. Who knows? Brief. It drove his mind crazy. What he did was, he came back to me, and he offered me, he said, I'll pay you your salary six grand a month.

The client, you know, one of our clients really likes you a lot. I will; I'll just end. This was the biggest client he said, just, I just asked you, communicate on emails with them. The maximum amount of time will be four hours, per week that you'll need to communicate on emails. That's it. And I'll pay you six grand a month. And for me, that was awesome because, for me, I was thinking, okay, I'm making about 13 grand a month now, or whatever it was. I'm quitting my job, but I was going to make the extra six grand a month from my job anyways for the next six months. So what ended up happening was I took it. Not only, not only was I making all this money on the side, but I didn't even lose the income from the job because I quit my job so gracefully.

I put my boss, I freaked out his mind, and I was a, I was able to earn, and the story goes on. I ended up getting a second client, and I had been pitching three clients at 10,000 a month retainers. So I got a second client. I'm at $10,000 a month. So I ended up going from making roughly $6,000 a month to $30,000 a month. My first month was working for myself, and I was 23 years old. It was the scariest decision I'd ever made in my life, but I did it the right way. I did it the right way. I left my opportunities open, and I ended up making that money from my job anyway. It was crazy. So that started me off on my entrepreneurial career and in that timespan I, I ended up making a lot of money, and I had no, I had very little costs of living very little.

I was living in like a one bedroom apartment. I was eating ramen noodles. I'd been, I'd been saving up money like crazy because I was so worried about quitting my job and I ended up going from, you know, my expense, my living expenses were like $2,000 a month, and I was making $30,000 a month. So that got me started in my career as an entrepreneur. It also gave me a little nest egg to go from, and that's, it's gotten me to where I am today, where I'm doing this business model called affiliate marketing, and I'm making over $500,000 per month. So I implore you, quit your job gracefully. It doesn't; you don't be mean to people. It never pays off.

If you want to learn more about my business, I do have a link in the description. I have free training. You can check it out. If you like this video, I encourage you to like it. Subscribe to my channel if you'd like to see more information about, you know, just quitting your job or remote work or you know, working for yourself. And also in the comments, let me know what was the most impactful bullet point here, was it, you know, one month's notice, brief positive, discrete, or having that plan. So let me know what the most impactful in the comments was. Speak to you soon. You Rock, you can do this. I am looking forward to you quitting your job.

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